星期五, 八月 25, 2006

Cinta Bikin Pria Feminin, Wanita Maskulin. Benarkah??? - Research

Cinta Bikin Pria Feminin, Wanita Maskulin. Benarkah???

Cinta ternyata benar-benar punya dampak yang aneh bagi manusia. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh para peneliti dari Italia setelah menguji 12 pria dan 12 wanita yang jatuh cinta selama enam bulan terakhir.
Para peneliti menemukan pria punya kada testoteron yang lebih rendah dari kadar normal ketika mereka sedang jatuh cinta. Sementara itu, para wanita ditemukan memiliki kadar hormon yang lebih tinggi dari biasanya saat sedang diliputi asmara.
Entah bagaimana, cinta rupanya membuat pria lebih feminine dan wanita menjadi makin maskulin. Seolah alam pun ingin menghilangkan apa yang menjadi pembeda bagi pria dan wanita agar hubungan kedua insan berlainan jenis kelamin itu bisa langgeng,ungkap Donatella Marazziti dari University of Pisa.
Kelompok peneliti dari University of Edinburgh juga memiliki temuan yang mengungkap soal manusia dan cinta. Mereka melihat adanya peredaman kerja sirkuit syaraf yang biasanya terkait erat dengan hubungan penting antarmanusia saat orang sedang jatuh cinta.
Kemungkinan itulah penjelasan mengapa orang sering buta akan kesalahan pasangannya,jelas Professor Gareth Leng dari University of Edinburgh. Kedua penelitian ini memperkuat bukti cinta berpengaruh pada tubuh manusia.
Penelitian terdahulu yang dilakuakn ilmuwan Itali pernah mengungkapkan unsur kimia penting di otak ikut terpengaruh oleh masalah percintaan ini. Orang yang tengah kasmaran disebut memilili kadar serentonin yang lebih rendah dari biasanya. Malah, kadar serentonin mereka setara dengan orang yang mengalami penyimpangan perilaku obsesif kompulsif.
Penelitian semacam ini membuat kita bisa memahami diri kita sedikit lebih baik. Di waktu mendatang, mungkin kita bisa menemukan terapi baru bagi mereka yang mengalamimasalah dengan hubungannya, kata Leng. (Sumber: Republika Online)

星期二, 八月 22, 2006

How to Deal with Friend and Lovers (Tips)

Tips: HoW tO DeAL wiTh fRiEndS aNd LoVers

1. Never steal a boyfriend or a girlfriend away from a friend. There are no excuses. NONE.
2. Its best not to get involved with an ex of your friend. There are some exceptions to this, but not many.
3. If you know a friend has a crush on or is interested in someone, leave that person alone for now.
4. Always make time for your friends. Of course you want to spend time with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, but dont spend all your time with them. Make sure that you have plans with your friends and that you keep them.
5. If you know that your friends boyfriend or girlfriend got with someone else, tell them. Its never fun to deliver bad news, but its better to hear it from a friend than someone else.
6. There are circumstances when your friend will really need you. Its important to show him or her that he or she matters enough to you that you will cancel plans you have with your boyfriend or girlfriend. If this friend has emergencies all the time, thats a different matter.
7. If possible, spend time together in a group. Everyone likes to feel included, and this can work out great for all.
8. If you have a significant other and your friend does not, try not to talk about your girlfriend/ boyfriend all the time. Talk about other things
9. It doesnt hurt to play Cupid every now and then. Of course, its important to be up-front and honest about playing matchmaker and only do so when both parties are willing.
10. There are cases when no matter what you say or do to your friend is just not going to get over your new relationship. In this case, all the above guidelines arent going to make a difference. If you find yourself in a situation where a friend is refusing to come around, back off. See if giving your friend some space will help. If he or she insists on being jealous and unsupportive, I think its time to call the friendship quits. Think about it. Do you want a friend who doesnt want you to have love life...ever?   

星期二, 八月 15, 2006

Amazing Love - Poem

Amazing Love

If love were what the rose is,
and I were like the leaf,
our lives would grow together.

Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute
and it seems like an hour
sit next to a pretty woman for an hour
and it seems to be a minute.
Thats relativity!

No cord or cable can draw so forcibly,
or bind so fast, as love can do
with a single tread.
Amazing Love-

星期日, 八月 13, 2006

Between the Two of You

Between The Two of You

The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that persons soul until you find a crack, the gently pour your love into that crack...

If you find out that your best friend is developing feelings for you and the feelings are in no way mutual, the sooner you communicate this, the better.
Sometimes having to be the person who does the rejecting is worse than being rejected, especially if the person you have to hurt is your dearest friend. The key is to be gentle, but not so gentle that he or she doesnt get it. If you hear about it before he says anything, its possible you can spare him some of the humiliation. You can just happen to mention that you are so happy that you dont have to go through the ups and downs of romance with him. Arent we lucky to have such a close friendship without having to worry about all the crap that couples have to worry about?If he brings it up to you, just remember to be kind to his heart. So many things you could say have become a cliché ... such as, I dont want to risk losing what we have now.Of course, if that is how you feel then say it anyway. The most reassuring thing you can do for him is to promise to not let his courageous admission hurt the friendship. Even though the first response will be to the rejectionlater he or she will worry about the friendship as well. If you want to show the ultimate respect, keep it between the two of you. Resist the temptation to tell others. This will only hurt your friend even more.
However, if the feelings are mutual, then this can be a very happy moment. Dont let your fears ruin it. Yes, its scary to venture into new territory with someone you have been close with as a friend. But the good news is you already know each other well and you genuinely like each other. There is always a risk of losing the friendship when and if you break up, but if you both agree you arent going to let that happen, the risk factor decreases. (Taken from: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Series)

星期二, 八月 08, 2006


(By: Ay Ling)

Malam ini....
Aku termenung seorang diri dikamar kosku.
Kekosongan mengisi relung hatiku yang paling dalam.
Dalam kesendirian aku merenung.
Ditemani alunan lagu-lagu yang merdu nan romantis

Akupun berpikir....
Apa yang bisa kulakukan untuk menepis rasa jemuku ini?
Tak lama, kuraih ponsel disisi bantal tidurku.
Kulayangkan beberapa sms kepada sahabat terbaikku.
Kutelpon salah satu nomer dari daftar nama di ponselku.
Sayangnya, hal tersebut tidak banyak menolongku.

Aku kesepian....
Kupilih sebuah buku bacaan dari rak bukuku.
Maksud hati ingin membaca, tapi kantuk yang kudapat.
Tatapanku pun tertuju pada setumpuk album foto.
Kulihat beberapa foto, tapi kekangenanlah yang kurasa.

Tiada hal yang ingin aku lakukan.
Tiada orang-orang terdekat disisiku.
Tiada teman yang dapat mengisi kekosongan hatiku.
Hanya kesunyian malam yang menemaniku dalam kesendirian

星期一, 八月 07, 2006

Saat Cinta Menyapa

Saat Cinta Menyapa

Genta bukanlah genta sebelum dibunyikan
Lagu bukanlah lagu sebelum dinyanyikan
Cinta di sanubari bukan untuk dipendamkan
Cinta bukanlah cinta sebelum dipersembahkan!

Cinta dalam bentuknya yang paling sejati
tidak memiliki bahasa atau kata.
Ia hanya memiliki seribu satu tindakan
yang berharap dapat kita jelaskan.

Cinta adalah simbol keabadian
yang menyaput segala rasa waktu,
membuang semua kenangan tentang awal
dan ketakutan tentang akhir.

Bagian hidup yang terbaik
dari kehidupan seseorang yang baik
adalah tindakan-tindakannya yang kecil,
tak bernama, dan tidak pernah diingat
mengenai kebaikan dan cinta.

Kehidupan berawal
setelah aku jatuh cinta kepadamu
Waktu dan jarak tidaklah berarti.
Kedekatan adalah urusan hati.

Mencintai dan dicintai adalah
merasakan kehangatan matahari dari kedua sisi.

Hidup tanpa cinta,
bagaikan kapal tanpa kemudi,
raga tanpa tubuh.

Dicintai begitu dalam oleh seseorang,
akan memberimu kekuatan.
Mencintai seseorang begitu dalam,
akan memberimu keberanian.

Tiada pengobatan untuk cinta,
selain mencintai lebih dalam lagi.

Milikilah hati yang tidak pernah mengeras,
temperamen yang tidak pernah lelah,
dan sentuhan yang tidak pernah menyakiti.

Untuk mendapatkan hati seorang wanita,
seorang laki-laki
harus menggunakan hatinya terlebih dahulu.

Setelah saya belajar mencintai Tuhan
melebihi kekasih saya di bumi,
Saya pasti mencintai kekasih itu
lebih baik daripada sebelumnya.

星期四, 八月 03, 2006

The Distance is Never Too Long

The Distance Is Never Too Long

Dear Fanny,
Hi gal, its been a longggg time weve never met. Hmm, since I left for Xiamen, I think. Miss you! Miss you! Miss youuuu so much! Hehhehe... Hows Donggala?? I want to go there!! I want to go to the beach in Donggala, have sunbathing there! Hehhehe...Anyway, I miss the time spent with you like we had when we were in Surabaya. Still remember the time we had in the youth retreat with Mr. Nur? Hahahha... The time when you started to be my fans! I was so ashamed at that time! I had to be the finalist of MSI Star and everyone in that retreat insisted me to sing a song. Huaaaaa.... Its so embarrassing!! But, its so memorable experience too! Hihihihi... Well, Its almost 2 year we dont meet face to face, rite? But, Im happy that we never lose contact. I still can hear your roaringvoice on the phone! Hahhaha... Just kidding...! Your adorable sharing via short messages, and your interesting and suspicious life stories when we go on line! Wakakkaka.... Theyre all amazing and wonderful! Hey, youve promised me to go to Surabaya soon and spend your vacation here with me. I wont forget everything weve planned on the chatting: Eating Bebek Bratang and Bebek Pahlawan, watching film in the cinema, taking some pictures in the photo box, going around Surabaya, and so many excited and fun things to do with you. See you soon in Surabaya! Hmmm, Im so impatient to wait for your coming here in Surabaya....
Love always,
Ay Ling

Do you have a friend who lives far away from your hometown? Maybe he/she lives in other city, other country, or even other continents? Well, one of the most difficult challenges a friendship faces is distance. As much as you intend to call, send short message, and even go chatting on line, lets face it, it is hard. So much of friendship has to do with the time you spend together and the sharing of similar interests like hobbies, lifestyles, food, etc. To continue a long-distance friendship, trust is the most important element. Know that even though the calls, short messages, and time for chatting on line come less and less, the love is still the same; the excitement is still the same. This is proven in that moment you sit down face to face, and it is as if no time has passed at all.