星期五, 十月 27, 2006

Mom's coming to Surabaya.... Hurrayyyyy!!!!!

Hurrayyyyy....My mom's coming from Balikpapan!! Well, I'm so happy to meet her. She's specially coming to Surabaya not because of visitting me.. :( but for attending her niece's wedding party. It means, my cousin's wedding!! Argghhhhh..... I still remember the time when i was giving this "about to get married" cousin her English tutorial... and she's going to get married this Nov, while... Me? :( I'm still having my usual status: SINGLE!! Huaaaaaaaaaa..... Anyway... I'm so happy to see her got her "soulmate". Sure! Don't believe me? You must!!! Hahhaha... Hmmm, back to my mom's coming... :) The thing which made me happy is that I can go shopping with her, buying my new "rather expensive" sandals and clothes (that I can's afford if i buy them with my own money..), have time in the mall together ( I rarely go shopping with my mom before...). Moreover, it's been a long time for my mom coming to Surabaya. She is so busy with her work in Balikpapan that she doesn't have time to visit her "cute" daughter here. Hahhaha.... Well, the point is... I'm so happy to spend time with my mom here in Surabaya, even though we don't stay together (She stays in my auntie's home), but we really enjoy our time!! I love you, Mommmm....!!!

星期三, 十月 18, 2006

Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1b - 2

Matthew 5: 1b – 2 ----> And when He was set, his disciples came unto him. And He opened his mouth and taught them, saying…

Word Studies:

  • Set : kathizo - to sit, to dwell

Historically, sitting has been associated with positions of authority: king sat on a throne; judges sat on the bench. It means that God is settle in His position and ready to minister, to listen and take important part in our lives.

  • Disciple : mathe’tes - A learner, a student, a follower

The disciples of Jesus Christ were called “followers of the way.” Their commitment went beyond a decision; it involves a way of life and change of lifestyle. The teaching of Jesus was from life to life and will be reflected from the changing of disciples’ lives that change everyday

  • To Open : anoigo - to open up, give and make available

When He opens His mouth, He blesses, He creates, He gives birth, and He makes Himself ready to minister to His disciples. Jesus opened his mouth in order to communicate clearly His message. Jesus spoke with confidence and conviction. The clarity of His words and the power of His message caused people to be astonished at His authority in the teachings.

  • Taught : didasko - to teach and at the same time, gives example, to give instruction, to clearly clarify the truth, to explain the underlying meaning.

True teaching takes place when the life of the learner is changed. Jesus taught more than information: He instilled life-changing concepts and character-building principles.

How does Jesus “open His mouth” and teach His disciples today?

· Through your AUTHORITIES

· Searching & Listen to Him

· Through your PRAYERS

· Talking to our Spirit and Mind Through PERSONAL MEDITATION

How are we to be taught?

Deuteronomy 6:7 ---> And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Deuteronomy 6:8 ---> And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

Deuteronomy 6:9 ---> And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

What do we learn?

Jesus always finds times to teach us something. It’s so important to have life-changing and character-building in our lives, so that every time we open our mouth to speak, there will be power to impact others. It’s more powerful to impart life that just only to give information to others. So, being a teachable disciple is not easy, but by God’s grace we can achieve it. All we need to do is just to be alert of what God wants in our lives by having a deeper and intimate relationship with Him and grow in the Word of God.

Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1a

Sermon on the Mount

(Matthew 5, KJV)

In some weeks, I’m going to share about what I’ve learnt during the devotion in MSA (Morning Star Academy). This Word of God really blesses me so much coz I’m not just reading it like I usually read the Word of God, but it has a deep revelation. And for me, it’s really a new revelation and it encourages me a lot. In MSA, we also learn to memorize these 48 verses. Wow… What a hard work to do! But, I believe I can do it, and so can the MSA students. Hope you are also blessed and don’t get bored of it. Hehhehe…

Matthew 5: 1a ----> And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain.

Word Studies:

· Seeing : eido – to see, to know, to understand

· Multitudes : ochlos – a great crowd

· Mountain : oros - a hill above the plain

… He went up into a mountain

The mountains of Palestine offered a place of quietness where Jesus could have private prayer and undisturbed teaching.

When Jesus saw the multitudes…

· He saw more than just a crowd of people.

· He saw each individual and each personal need.

· To hear Jesus teach, the multitudes made personal sacrifices by traveling far and difficult.

· And He was moved with compassion.

· He was alert – aware of what is taking place around Him so He can respond right.

· He saw every need in each person

· He acted promptly in delivering a message of truth that applied to each one

What do we learn?

We learn about the character of alertness. Jesus was alerted by the multitudes sacrifices that they were hunger and thirst of righteousness. This makes he was moved with compassion and He responded by fulfilling their needs.

星期五, 十月 13, 2006

Friendship is A Diamond (By: Sally J. Knower)

Friendship is a diamond
buried in the earth;
a treasure of great worth.
But first it must be mined
then faceted and shined.
I takes pick and shovel and strain,
encompassing time and enduring pain,
until its grace is seen;
a glittering gift of love

That is shared between we there:
First God,
and you
then me.

星期二, 十月 03, 2006

Membuka Hatimu - Puisi

Membuka hatimu

kujumpa kelembutan

membuat aku terbuai teduh

Membuka hatimu

kujumpa samudra

membuat aku bebas berlayar

Membuka hatimu

kujumpa angkasa biru

membuat aku melayang ceria

Membuka hatimu

kujumpa yang termanis

membuat aku terpikat lekat
