星期五, 六月 30, 2006

Tips: WaYs tO bE YoUrSelF aNd LoVe yOuRseLf

1. CeLeBraTe yOuR UniQuEnEss.
2. KnoW wHat yOu LiKe aNd dOn’T LikE.
3. lIkE whAt YoU sEe WhEn yOu lOOk iN tHe MiRroR.
4. EvErY nOw AnD ThEn, dReSs eXacTly tHe WaY YoU LikE, iNsTeaD oF dReSsiNg lIkE YouR FrIenDs.
5. ThInK aBouT tHinGs tHat mAkE yOu HaPpY.
6. ThiNk wiTh yOuR hEaRt.
7. Do sOmEtHinG cReaTivE bY yOUrsElf.
8. PiCk oNe DaY a WeEk ThaT iS “yOuR DaY” To dO whAT yOu nEeD.
9. Do SoMetHiNg aThlEtiC wItHouT cOmpeTiNg.
10. ReAd a GrEaT bOoK.
11. Do SomEtHinG kInD fOr sOmeOne elSe.
12. Do sOmEthIng kiNd anD doN’t lEt anYoNe KnoW YoU dID iT.
13. WhEn sOmEonE CoMpLimEntS YoU, lEt iT In aNd sAy, “tHaNks!”
14. PlAnT sOmEtHinG aND waTcH iT GrOw.
15. SpEnD soMe tImE aLoNe DoInG NotHinG.
16. MaKe YouR rOoM yoUR oWn. DeCorAte iT, pUt PicTurEs oF YouR fRieNDs oR wHat MakeS YoU HaPpY EveRywHerE.
17. FoRgiVe yOurSeLf fOR eVeRyThInG yOu’Ve dOnE AnD sTaRt cLeaN.
18. DrEaM bIG dReAmS FoR YoUrsElF aND kNow yOur DreAms CaN cOmE tRue.
19. SaY onE niCe tHiNg tO yOuRseLf eVerYDay.
20. StArT eAcH DaY bY bEiNg GraTefUl.

星期二, 六月 20, 2006

Nge-jokes yuuukkkk....!


A woman was shopping at her local supermarket where she selected:

A half-gallon of 2% milk,

A carton of eggs,

A quart of orange juice,

A head of romaine lettuce,
A 2 lb. can of coffee, and

A 1 lb. package of bacon.

As she was unloading her items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunken man standing behind her watched as she placed the items in front of the cashier.

While the cashier was ringing up her purchases, the drunken man calmly stated," You must be single."

The woman was a bit startled by this proclamation, but she was intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since she was indeed single. She looked at her six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about her selections that could have tipped off the drunk to her marital status.

Curiosity getting the better of her, she said "Well, you know what, you're absolutely correct. But how on earth did you know that?"

The drunken man replied, "'Cause you're ugly."

Poem - Suddenly I Turned Around and My Best Friend Was There

Suddenly, I Turned

Around and My

Best Friend Was There

The sky was blue, the sun was bright,

And I didn’t need anyone, because I could take on the world.

I was ready for anything and everything


What happened next.

There was something behind me.

Suddenly I turned around.

It was you.

You wanted to make sure I was okay.

You tried to stop me from taking crazy risks.

I didn’t need help.

I didn’t want a friend.

You were there anyway.

Later on, I was pouring rain.

I needed someone, and I was alone.

I couldn’t handle anything


What happened next.

There was something behind me.

Suddenly I turned around.

It was you.

You were ready with a much-needed hug.

You forgot that I ever abandoned you.

I needed help,

I wanted a friend,

You were there when I needed you.

Whenever the weather changed,

When I was strong and when I fell

I could always count on you.


What happened next.

There was something behind me.

Suddenly I turned around.

It was you.

You were crying and seemed very alone.

You couldn’t make it on your own.

I could give you help.

I could be your friend.

It was my turn to be there for you.

(Becky Welzenbach)

星期六, 六月 17, 2006

Si “Kuper” Ay Ling


Now, aku mo cerita tentang masa SMPku. Waktu SMP aku mulai punya beberapa temen. Tapi, ga banyak sih… Soalnya, aku tergolong cewek “kuper” alias kurang pergaulan. Hehhehee… Aku sendiri heran banget kenapa aku tuh “kuper” banget. Emang sih, waktu SMP aku ga suka berteman dengan banyak orang. Pasalnya, aku paling sebel sama temen - temen SMPku yang menurut aku, suka banget milih – milih temen. Apalagi, aku bukan termasuk siswi yang cukup populer di SMP tempat aku bersekolah dulu. Makanya, aku paling suka berteman dengan mereka - mereka yang tidak diperhitungkan disekolah itu. Misalnya, temen yang secara intelegensi kurang pandai, temen yang sangat pemalu en pendiem, ato bahkan temen yang di cap “aneh” sama sebagian besar orang di sekolah itu. So, orang – orang seperti itu lah yang menjadi temen – temenku semasa SMP.

Oh,ya… waktu SMP aku punya 3 temen yang sangat akrab sama aku. Dua dari mereka saat ini sudah menikah.<> Dari persahabatanku dengan ketiganya, yang menurut aku paling berkesan adalah persahabatanku dengan cewek yang sangat dikenal dengan si “Manusia Planet” hehhehe… Pengalaman yang paling lucu adalah sewaktu kita menjadi teman sebangku. Waktu itu, seluruh siswa sedang mengerjakan tugas sekolah. Nah, tiba – tiba muncul keisenganku untuk menjodohkan dia dengan salah satu cowok dikelas itu. Tak sengaja, aku mengacung – ngacungkan jari telunjukku untuk menggodanya. Tiba – tiba, entah karena gemes ato karena sebel terus – terusan aku godain, secara refleks dia langsung menggigit jari telunjukku itu. Aku terkejut banget. Sakit sih enggak! Jijik iya!!! Hehhehe… Sepersekian detik kemudian, dia segera sadar kalo dia udah menggigit jariku. Kontan dia langsung merasa jijik juga. Hahahhaha…! Kebayang ga sih… sebelum dia gigit jari telunjuk aku, jari tersebut udah aku pake buat macem – macem bok! Wakakaka! Salah satunya mungkin… <> :p Hehhehe, kalian pasti bisa menduga apa yang aku maksud kan??? =D Well, itu bener – bener unforgettable moment in my life selama aku duduk di bangku SMP! Soalnya… berkesan banget sih! Hahhaha…

What You Speak is What You Get!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Hi, guys…

I’d like to share the latest experience that I’d just experienced. It’s wonderful and FRESH! God really teaches me how to count on Him, and not to worry about anything in my life. Last Thursday, June 1st, 2006, I had cell group with some profession cell group in our church. The cell group leader shared about the season of God’s favor which God is doing right now in our church. She said that God’s favor was not only for some of us in the church, but it’s for all of us! So, it’s including ME! Wow…! God’s favor is for me too. Hmmm, how excited I am to catch this message! There’s one of the cell group member shared how God had shown His favor to her. I was so jealous of her (honestly… :p), but it made me so enthusiastic in pursuing God’s favor in my life too. I believe that, it’s God’s desire too for me to have His favor! So, I choose to have God’s favor in my life. But, the devil doesn’t stay calm with my decision! He wants to hinder me from gaining God’s favor. He attacks my weakness, which is my MIND! He keeps bombarding me with negative thinking, doubtfulness, fear, and he does anything that makes me questioning God, doubt of God’s promises in my life, worry that God never gives His favor to me, and so on. Just like today! I almost doubt to God. But, until the last minutes… still, I chose to believe in Him; even I cried and still have hope in asking for His favor for me today. Okay, I just want to share that I haven’t paid the rent of my room. Today is the dateline to pay the rent of my room. But, I haven’t got the money yet. Then as a tutorial teacher, it’s unpredictable for me to get the payment of my tutorial. It depends on the schedule I give the tutorial. So, since the beginning of this month, I’ve been praying for God’s favor in my life so that I was able to pay the rent of my room. Until this morning, I haven’t got the money. Something came into my mind… if I didn’t get the money, may be I can borrow my parent’s money first, and then return it after I got paid. But, God doesn’t like someone who has double-minded. Having double-minded is the same as we don’t believe in God’s mighty power. He wants us to have a total dependence in Him. I repented from my doubtful mind, and decide to depend on Him alone. Shortly, I got the money to pay for my room from my student’s tutorial payment tonight. And one thing, I got favor from the owner to pay the rent tomorrow morning. So, God is a Mighty God, and His provision will take place on the right time as long as you are not doubtful and have total dependence in Him. Keep on having FAITH in Him even though your circumstances press on you. Because what you speak is what you get. Have a worry free day, frenz!