星期三, 五月 31, 2006

"Aslinya" Ay Ling nih... :)

"Aslinya" Ay Ling

Kalo diblog yang lalu aku cerita tentang masa TKku, sekarang aku mo cerita masa masa SDku deh... Hmmmmm, biar aku ingat ingat dulu waktu SD hal apa yang sangat berkesan bagiku... Oke, aku mulai dengan pengalaman pertama kali memakai kaca mata... Waktu aku kelas 1 SD, aku mengalami kesulitan dalam melihat benda benda yang jauh. Misalnya... melihat bintang dilangit, melihat contekan di meja temen sebelah, melihat cowok cakep dalam jarak pandang 10 meter, dll... Ups, bukan itu maksudku! Yang bener, aku mengalami gangguan penglihatan jarak jauh alias bermata minus. Nah, begitu aku kedokter mata untuk memeriksakan mataku, aku sangat terkejut setelah mendapatkan hasil minus mataku. Karena aku ga menyangka...selama ini aku hidup dengan mata yang hampir setengah buta! Minus 7 mata kanan dan kiri! Alhasil, aku divonis dokter untuk memakai kata mata yang sangat tebal layaknya orang jenius pada umumnya :p Tapi, aku tetap bersyukur kok sama Tuhan, karena...paling ga, aku masih bisa melihat indahnya dunia ini, meskipun dengan alat bantu penglihatan yang bernama KACAMATA ini. Aku masih bisa menyaksikan matahari yang terbit dipagi hari, melihat beraneka ragam bunga dengan warna warninya yang indah, menikmati pesona alami yang dipancarkan oleh pantai, laut gunung, bukit, lembah, sampai kemegahan bangunan bangunan modern serta gedung - gedung pencakar langit dikota. Bisa melihat semua yang aku sebutkan tadi, membuat aku sangat terkesima akan kebesaran en kedashyatan Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala isinya!
Oh,ya...waktu SD ini aku bener bener berubah dibandingkan waktu TK. Cuman... ya ga banyak sih. Berubahnya... aslinya Ay Ling udah mulai terpancar keluar! Hahahha... Maksudnya, Ay Ling yang tadinya pemalu, penakut, pendiem en cengeng...udah ga menyandang gelar itu lagi waktu SD, bahkan cenderung berani, nakal, bandel, keras kepala, en tomboy! Hiihihihi... Cuman, kalo cengengnya sih masih dikit, trus pendiemnya juga lah dikit... Aku masih inget bangte, aku suka main sama temen temen cowok, en keluyuran sama mereka. Bersepeda bareng lah, pergi ke pantai bareng lah, nyari ikan di got, sampe manjat pohon jambu airnya tetangga. Hehehehe... Lucunya, kalo manjat pohon... aku semangat banget! Eh, giliran turun... malah ketakutan. Hihihihi... Trus, kalo pergi main sama temen temen cowok, aku ga pernah ijin sama orang tuaku. Yah, tiba tiba menghilang aja... Pulang pulang, kena lah aku dimarahin abis abisan sama orang tuaku. Trus, yang namanya spanking tuh udah jadi makanan sehari hariku... Abis, aku bandel banget sih! Wah, kalo diinget - inget... malu sekaligus lucu sih. Yah... mudah mudahan, ntar kalo aku punya anak semua pada manis manis deh. Hahhaha... Oke, deh... segitu dulu share pengalaman aku minggu ini. See you next week ya...(Nb: Special thanx buat Fanny yang selalu ngingetin aku untuk post blog. Btw, yang sabar ya nunggu blogku kalo emang aku belon sempet nulis blognya... Hehheehehe... )

星期二, 五月 23, 2006


Hari ini aku pengen banget share tentang masa kecilku pada kalian semua. Yah...gini-gini, aku kan pernah kecil juga lah....hehhehe! Pernah merasakan duduk dibangku TK juga loh. Kalo aku certain masa kanak-kanakku... kalian pasti pada ga percaya. Hahahhaha... Soalnya,waktu aku kecil, aku tuhpenakut banget, pemalu banget, cengeng banget en bener-bener pendiem banget tau ga??? Nah, nah...... pada shocked semua kan?? Wakakkaka... Pasti kalian pada ga percaya kan?? Aneh bin Mustahil ya?? Soalnya......Ay Ling yang kalian kenal sekarang ini bener-bener berbeda 180 derajat dari Ay Ling kecil yang ga pede abiez...bagaikan langit dan bumi, bagaikan siang dan malam, Hmmm...bagaikan apalagi ya?? Pokoknya bener-bener buuue...da puuoooollll lah!! Ay Ling yang sekarang tuh...pede abiez! Riang, suka senyum, suka tertawa, ramah, en...susah diemnya alias CEREWET! Hihihiihihi...
Well, daripada berlama-lama... mending aku mulai cerita aja waktu aku TK tuh seperti apa. Tapi... ingat loh ya, kalo ada hal yang buat kalian geli en pengen ketawa karena menurut kalian Hah, Ay ling seperti itu waktu TK? Kayaknya ga mungkin banget deh!...... ya ketawa aja. Jangan ditahan-tahan ketawanya! Tapi ingat...dikontrol ya volumenya...(thanks banget buat someone out there yang suka ngingetin aku tentang mengontrol volume suara. Hiihihihi... Hayo, sapa yaaaa....?? :p ) Hehhehe. Ntar, orang-orang disekitar kamu terganggu loh...
Masa-masa TK tuh masa yang paling ga aku nikmatin banget, Padahal, kalo aku liat anak-anak TK sekarang ini, mereka sangat menikmati waktu-waktu bermain bersama temen-temen sebayanya, kejar-kejaran, rebutan mainan, en masih banyak kelucuan serta kepolosan mereka. Hehehe...itu pengamatanku sebagai seorang guru yang banyak menangani anak-anak kecil loh... Tapi bagiku, masa kecilku sangatlah menyebalkan, membosankan, dan menakutkan. Waktu pertama kali masuk TK, aku selalu minta dianterin en ditemenin mama or papa. Pokoknya, aku selalu minta mama or papa nemenin aku dikelas pas pelajaran berlangsung. Hiihihihi... Alhasil, aku selalu dihukum en dimasukin ke gudang or WC, trus ditemenin sama om cleaning servis TKnya. Hahahhaa...Kejadian itu terjadi hampir tiap hari di bulan-bulan pertama aku TK kecil. So, aku jadi akrab deh sama si om cleaning servisnya. Hihihiihi...
Kalo diinget-inget sifat aku waktu TK yang seperti itu...aku jadi malu sendiri loh. Abisnya, beda banget sama yang sekarang. Bahkan, mungkin banyak temen-temen yang mengira, waktu kecil aku tuh nakal banget, berani banget, suka jahilin temen, en suka ngerebut mainan temen. Wah, kalian salah besar!!!! Wakakkakaa...... Yah, thanks God aja Ay Ling yang sekarang gambar dirinya udah dipulihkan. So, udah ga kayak dulu lagi. Tapi......aku ga tau sih, kok sekarang aku bisa serame ini ya?? Hihihii...... Bukan cuman rame, tapi suka jail juga ngerjain temen-teman yang potensial untuk aku isengin. Hahahhaa...... Sori banget buat temen-temen yang sering banget jadi sasaran empuk aku jahilin...... Well, aku ngejahilin kalian, bukan karenaaku ga suka sama kalian, tapi...aku sayang banget sama kalian en aku pengen banget memberikan kenangan terindah akan existensi seorang Ay Ling, yang ga akan kalian lupakan dalam hidup kalian. Hehhehe... Aku berharap, waktu kalian sedih or lagi patah semangat... ketawaku, kelucuanku, kejailanku, en ke imoetz anku akan selalu kalian ingat en hal itu bisa membuat kalian terhibur ato paling ga tersenyum penuh arti. Hahahaha...... So, have a whole happy days ya!

星期五, 五月 19, 2006

Prophecies part 2

This is the second part of my prophecies. Hope you don’t get bored of them! Hahahha…

The Calling of Ministering Others (The year of 2003’s prophecies)

The prophecy of Ms. Gloria Oey (Abba Love Ministry), July 17th, 2003:

1. Family salvation

2. You are like tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever you do prospers/succeeds (Psalm 1:3)

3. Financial breakthrough

4. You will intercede for the God’s burdens put in your heart

5. You will go to higher lever of your Christian life

6. God loves you and you will have a great fear of God

7. Deeper relationship with God

The prophecy of Ms. Hana Warouw, July 17th, 2003:

God said, “My daughter, you are like a blooming flower right now. I see that you are growing in the middle of bushes and thorns, and you have shouted. I have heard your shouting, my daughter. I never forget you coz I’m a faithful God. And, listen my daughter, you have to be strong and you have to plant your strength in Me. You have to go deeper to see that I have planted you in the fertile soil. Say to the place where you are that you will be success, you will conquer and your light will rise in the place where you are. You will see that everything around you will come to you. I’ll bring people to your ministry. I’ll bring those of broken hearted because of what had happened in your life, that you had been healed so that you can heal the broken heart, the heart which was hurt, and hearts which were ignored, even the suffering women I’ll bring into your life. I see that your heart is so merciful because I’m the one who gives it. Right now, any sickness that you’ve suffered I know it and I’ll heal it because I’m your healed God. I said to your sickness in your head, in your heart, and in your capillary healed in the name of Jesus, and we proclaim health to this lady. She will be a new creation, just like the growing flower which is blooming and beautiful, even people will see there is no bad motivations, no bad things, and everyone will be marveled. People will praise you because of My name’s sake. I will draw people to you and you will teach them the ways they are about to go through. You will give them advice. That’s why My daughter, you have to rise up in the prophetic apostolic anointing. Don’t you worry, don’t you even look at your past. You have to look at my calling in the future, because this is something new for you. You have to rise up and you will see that this is the chance; if not, you won’t see God’s power poured upon your life. God works in you. He will prepare you to go forward.

The prophecy in the Prophetic Apostolic Seminar, July 17th, 2003:

The joy I give to you. It’s My joy that I give you. You will entertain those who are discouraged. You will give encouragement to the people who come to you. You will cheer them because I’m the source of the joy. You will keep on serving with the joy that I’ve given. There is flowing water. The river of joy flows into your heart. It’s flowing and keeps flowing. Let it always flow in your life.

I’ve called you, my daughter. You will be like Esther who is strong. I’ll bless you; even you will walk with the power of God. You will walk with the anointing of God. The anointing of God has been working in you. Keep on walking in the light, because the light of God is in you. When you go out to the people you are about to reach out, to minister, you will be a blessing for them. Be faithful and in what you do God will provide everything. Seek first the kingdom of God, that everything will be added unto you. Keep on serving God and He will strengthen you. I’ve given you the godly joy and you will be God’s warrior and put in the place where you can give impact and influence to the woman. They will see the character of mighty woman of God which has excellent spirit.

The prophecy of Ms. Ellen Jap, August 2nd, 2003:

Ay Ling is a wonderful young eagle. She will be a mother of many children, especially those with problems. There are insight and wisdom in her and also abundant mercy. She will live in righteousness and fear of God. She will be a good example for young ladies how to live in purity and holiness. Acceptance and Comfort she gives to those who need them, and also strength and hope. She will see much grace and God’s glory when she walks with His spirit. There is insight of the future given to her.

How those prophecies had been fulfilled and about to fulfill in my life:

· I started to have spiritual breakthrough since I got those prophecies. I’m going to higher lever day by day. My life has never been the same again. I’m like the deer which thirst of water. I want God more and more. Even there are times when I felt down and discouraged. But God is faithful to raise me up. God never lets me dry and dead. He is the one who keeps on encouraging and supporting me. He gives me refreshment and new strength to face the life, to face the day to come.

· God brings a lot of people with problems to me, especially young ladies, so that I can help them out of their problems. It’s not just helping them with their problems but God also teaches me new things that I haven’t known before. So, it’s good to help those with problems because you also will grow in wisdom and insights.

· Have you ever seen me sad or discouraged? A few of you have, but most of you haven’t! Well, I’m not trying to be a doubled personality woman. But, it’s my character to be joyous in front of you. Honestly, I’m like ordinary woman who often feels sad, hurt, offended, disappointed, discouraged, and sometimes I have bad mood. But, I always share my feeling to God in my own room. I often cry and tell what I feel to God. He’s my best friend and He comforts me in times of need. So I have the joy of God that I can encourage and cheer you up because God first has encouraged and cheered me up.

Prophecies part 1

Hello……It’s nice to see you again! As this is my second blog, I’m so excited to share my life experience with all of you. Well, I’m going to make the sharing that I’m going to tell you into some series. So……in this week’s blog up to the next 3 blogs, I’m going to share you God’s promises in my life through the prophetic words which are prophesized by His prophets. And, how some of them had been fulfilled in my life and the rest is about to fulfill in my life. Are you excited? I hope so! Hehhee…… I really believe that you also have God’s promises in your lives through the prophecies spoken into your lives, and your responsibility is to have all the prophecies fulfilled in your lives by faith. So……be faithful in the process of seeing God’s promises happen in your lives for He is a Faithful God, and when He promises He will make them fulfill in your lives, as long as we are not weak or discouraged.

My first calling: Sunday School Ministry (end of the year 1999)

The prophecy of Ms. Lilies (Ps. Joe’s wife):

God’s pleased by what you are doing to the kids. God loves them and God wants to use you more than what you are doing right now. You have a meek heart, extra patience, and seriously in ministering the kids, even you are afraid to discipline them. But God wants to use you deeper; He wants you to discipline them in love. God will give you creativities if you asked Him.

The prophecy of Ps. Stanley:

You hands will be used to minister kids who have problems, kids under parents’ pressure and lack of parent’s love. You will help them thoroughly free; bring them from the darkness to the light. The kids even will have the ability to pray for the salvation of their parents. Your ministry is not merely ministering kids, but you will release them from any pressures. Even though they are kids, they also have pressures in their lives, and you will make them laugh and free.

The prophecy of Ms. Joan (Ps. Stanley’s wife):

As you serve Me, do My part, you will see I am God who answers prayers. I know your burden and prayer for your family and you will see that one time in your life your family will be saved.

How those prophecies had been fulfilled and about to fulfill in my life:

  • I started my Sunday School Ministry in the year of 2000 after I had those prophecies. I like kids very much. For me, kid’s world is so interesting and challenging. I began to impress with Sunday School Ministry when I saw kids were like jewels, which were so precious. If we could polish them, they would shine brightly and the value would be costly. So, I chose to put myself in the process of polishing these precious jewels so that they will shine so bright and valuable. It’s been five years I teach in Sunday School, and I’ve seen the kids growing more and more in knowing God’s word and in building Godly characters.
  • I’ve been praying for the salvation of my whole family since I was saved. There are five of us in the family. My parents are non believer and I have two brothers. My youngest brother had been saved. I believe if one is saved the whole family will be saved. At the end of the year 2002, God answered my prayer. My younger brother was saved too. Now, we’re still praying for the salvation of our parents. And we believe that in this year they will be saved.
  • I’m a woman of joy. Smile’s always on my lips. I don’t know why I have this happy, smiling face. This joy makes me feel younger and younger. Even though I will be 27 this year, but I look 10 years younger. Hahhaha! I believe that my smiling face will bless others. So, I won’t let the devil steal the joy that I have and as God wants me to think about others’ needs, I learn not to be selfish in my live. I learn to be an encourage giver for others, to bless other’s need with my prayers, and to be a good listener to other’s problems, and to be a good companion in joy and sadness.

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi guys,

I’m glad see you all! Well, first of all, I’d like to welcome all of you to my Blog. Hope that this blog will be a blessing for all of you. Wish all the best to all of my blog readers, be happy in your life, and let a smile fill the whole of your days. God bless and love you! J

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

Hello guys,

This is my first time to write a blog. Well, thanks for two of my best friends who always “insist” me in starting to write a blog (Thanks a lot for Andi en Fanny…See, guys I’ve started my first blog!). Hehhehee… I’m so thankful (and also a bit annoyed, hehheehe…, but it’s good to be honest, rite???) that both of them keep on “forcing” me and “intimidate” me every time we were chatting on Yahoo Messenger. Well guys, actually I’m planning to have my own blog as most of your blogs which I read, have blessed me so much. But, I’m just afraid that I’m not consistent enough to write a blog as I start to be so busy these days and I have to go to the internet café one a week to check my emails and write my blog. However, I’m so happy to be part of the Bloggers! Haha! Well, for the new beginning…I’ll start with sharing my 2006 Faith Goals. Hope all these faith goals will be fulfilled this year as it’s already in the middle of the year. And, I want to share to all of you that I have been on the way of seeing some of my faith goals to be fulfilled in my life. So, I keep on believing God to see all of them come true in my life. Well, I’d like to encourage all of the readers to keep on believing God for all your faith goals and dreams too! Jia you!!!

Ay Ling’s Faith Goals 2006:

  1. Being a woman of noble characters (Proverbs 31:10-31)
  2. Being a woman of FAITH (Mark 11:13)
  3. Being a woman who has FEAR of GOD (Integrity)
  4. Pursuing deeper intimacy with god (having spiritual disciplines: consistency in reading Bible, praying,etc)
  5. Financial breakthrough
  6. Pursuing holiness in mind, heart, body and action
  7. Having more passion for God and compassion for the lost (Reaching out to spread the Kingdom of God)
  8. Getting married in October 2006
  9. Family salvation (for my parents)
  10. Good both in Chinese and English (spoken and written)
  11. Being a good teacher who is loved by the students, able to teach well and even has the ability to teach any kinds of students (low intelligence students, hyperactive students, etc)
  12. Fruitful in every area of life (Ministry, Work, Spiritual life, etc)
  13. Growing in Godly characters
  14. Lose weight 5 - 10 kilos