This is the second part of my prophecies. Hope you don’t get bored of them! Hahahha…
The Calling of Ministering Others (The year of 2003’s prophecies)
The prophecy of Ms. Gloria Oey (Abba Love Ministry),
1. Family salvation
2. You are like tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever you do prospers/succeeds (Psalm 1:3)
3. Financial breakthrough
4. You will intercede for the God’s burdens put in your heart
5. You will go to higher lever of your Christian life
6. God loves you and you will have a great fear of God
7. Deeper relationship with God
The prophecy of Ms. Hana Warouw,
God said, “My daughter, you are like a blooming flower right now. I see that you are growing in the middle of bushes and thorns, and you have shouted. I have heard your shouting, my daughter. I never forget you coz I’m a faithful God. And, listen my daughter, you have to be strong and you have to plant your strength in Me. You have to go deeper to see that I have planted you in the fertile soil. Say to the place where you are that you will be success, you will conquer and your light will rise in the place where you are. You will see that everything around you will come to you. I’ll bring people to your ministry. I’ll bring those of broken hearted because of what had happened in your life, that you had been healed so that you can heal the broken heart, the heart which was hurt, and hearts which were ignored, even the suffering women I’ll bring into your life. I see that your heart is so merciful because I’m the one who gives it. Right now, any sickness that you’ve suffered I know it and I’ll heal it because I’m your healed God. I said to your sickness in your head, in your heart, and in your capillary healed in the name of Jesus, and we proclaim health to this lady. She will be a new creation, just like the growing flower which is blooming and beautiful, even people will see there is no bad motivations, no bad things, and everyone will be marveled. People will praise you because of My name’s sake. I will draw people to you and you will teach them the ways they are about to go through. You will give them advice. That’s why My daughter, you have to rise up in the prophetic apostolic anointing. Don’t you worry, don’t you even look at your past. You have to look at my calling in the future, because this is something new for you. You have to rise up and you will see that this is the chance; if not, you won’t see God’s power poured upon your life. God works in you. He will prepare you to go forward.
The prophecy in the Prophetic Apostolic Seminar,
The joy I give to you. It’s My joy that I give you. You will entertain those who are discouraged. You will give encouragement to the people who come to you. You will cheer them because I’m the source of the joy. You will keep on serving with the joy that I’ve given. There is flowing water. The river of joy flows into your heart. It’s flowing and keeps flowing. Let it always flow in your life.
I’ve called you, my daughter. You will be like Esther who is strong. I’ll bless you; even you will walk with the power of God. You will walk with the anointing of God. The anointing of God has been working in you. Keep on walking in the light, because the light of God is in you. When you go out to the people you are about to reach out, to minister, you will be a blessing for them. Be faithful and in what you do God will provide everything. Seek first the
The prophecy of Ms. Ellen Jap,
Ay Ling is a wonderful young eagle. She will be a mother of many children, especially those with problems. There are insight and wisdom in her and also abundant mercy. She will live in righteousness and fear of God. She will be a good example for young ladies how to live in purity and holiness. Acceptance and Comfort she gives to those who need them, and also strength and hope. She will see much grace and God’s glory when she walks with His spirit. There is insight of the future given to her.
How those prophecies had been fulfilled and about to fulfill in my life:
· I started to have spiritual breakthrough since I got those prophecies. I’m going to higher lever day by day. My life has never been the same again. I’m like the deer which thirst of water. I want God more and more. Even there are times when I felt down and discouraged. But God is faithful to raise me up. God never lets me dry and dead. He is the one who keeps on encouraging and supporting me. He gives me refreshment and new strength to face the life, to face the day to come.
· God brings a lot of people with problems to me, especially young ladies, so that I can help them out of their problems. It’s not just helping them with their problems but God also teaches me new things that I haven’t known before. So, it’s good to help those with problems because you also will grow in wisdom and insights.
· Have you ever seen me sad or discouraged? A few of you have, but most of you haven’t! Well, I’m not trying to be a doubled personality woman. But, it’s my character to be joyous in front of you. Honestly, I’m like ordinary woman who often feels sad, hurt, offended, disappointed, discouraged, and sometimes I have bad mood. But, I always share my feeling to God in my own room. I often cry and tell what I feel to God. He’s my best friend and He comforts me in times of need. So I have the joy of God that I can encourage and cheer you up because God first has encouraged and cheered me up.