星期五, 五月 19, 2006

Prophecies part 1

Hello……It’s nice to see you again! As this is my second blog, I’m so excited to share my life experience with all of you. Well, I’m going to make the sharing that I’m going to tell you into some series. So……in this week’s blog up to the next 3 blogs, I’m going to share you God’s promises in my life through the prophetic words which are prophesized by His prophets. And, how some of them had been fulfilled in my life and the rest is about to fulfill in my life. Are you excited? I hope so! Hehhee…… I really believe that you also have God’s promises in your lives through the prophecies spoken into your lives, and your responsibility is to have all the prophecies fulfilled in your lives by faith. So……be faithful in the process of seeing God’s promises happen in your lives for He is a Faithful God, and when He promises He will make them fulfill in your lives, as long as we are not weak or discouraged.

My first calling: Sunday School Ministry (end of the year 1999)

The prophecy of Ms. Lilies (Ps. Joe’s wife):

God’s pleased by what you are doing to the kids. God loves them and God wants to use you more than what you are doing right now. You have a meek heart, extra patience, and seriously in ministering the kids, even you are afraid to discipline them. But God wants to use you deeper; He wants you to discipline them in love. God will give you creativities if you asked Him.

The prophecy of Ps. Stanley:

You hands will be used to minister kids who have problems, kids under parents’ pressure and lack of parent’s love. You will help them thoroughly free; bring them from the darkness to the light. The kids even will have the ability to pray for the salvation of their parents. Your ministry is not merely ministering kids, but you will release them from any pressures. Even though they are kids, they also have pressures in their lives, and you will make them laugh and free.

The prophecy of Ms. Joan (Ps. Stanley’s wife):

As you serve Me, do My part, you will see I am God who answers prayers. I know your burden and prayer for your family and you will see that one time in your life your family will be saved.

How those prophecies had been fulfilled and about to fulfill in my life:

  • I started my Sunday School Ministry in the year of 2000 after I had those prophecies. I like kids very much. For me, kid’s world is so interesting and challenging. I began to impress with Sunday School Ministry when I saw kids were like jewels, which were so precious. If we could polish them, they would shine brightly and the value would be costly. So, I chose to put myself in the process of polishing these precious jewels so that they will shine so bright and valuable. It’s been five years I teach in Sunday School, and I’ve seen the kids growing more and more in knowing God’s word and in building Godly characters.
  • I’ve been praying for the salvation of my whole family since I was saved. There are five of us in the family. My parents are non believer and I have two brothers. My youngest brother had been saved. I believe if one is saved the whole family will be saved. At the end of the year 2002, God answered my prayer. My younger brother was saved too. Now, we’re still praying for the salvation of our parents. And we believe that in this year they will be saved.
  • I’m a woman of joy. Smile’s always on my lips. I don’t know why I have this happy, smiling face. This joy makes me feel younger and younger. Even though I will be 27 this year, but I look 10 years younger. Hahhaha! I believe that my smiling face will bless others. So, I won’t let the devil steal the joy that I have and as God wants me to think about others’ needs, I learn not to be selfish in my live. I learn to be an encourage giver for others, to bless other’s need with my prayers, and to be a good listener to other’s problems, and to be a good companion in joy and sadness.
