星期日, 十二月 31, 2006
Selamat Tahun Baru 2007 - Puisi
Tak terasa, kita telah berada dipenghujung tahun 2006.
Tahun 2007 sudah menanti didepan sana...
Tahun yang baru mulai dimasuki...
Hari-hari yang baru mulai dijalani...
Pengalaman-pengalaman baru menanti untuk dialami...
Lembaran kisah baru tak kalah menariknya untuk dilalui...
Tantangan baru pun tak kalah serunya untuk dihadapi...
Namun, senyum optimisme tak pernah hilang dari bibir ini.
Semangat pantang menyerah tak boleh pudar dari jiwa ini.
Selamat tinggal tahun 2006...
Kututup setiap lembaran kisah ditahun 2006.
Biarlah setiap kesuksesan dan hari-hari indah yang kualami,
Selalu menjadi motivasi yang membangun di tahun 2007.
Biarlah setiap kegagalan dan kenangan pahit yang kulewati,
Menjadi pengalaman berharga di tahun 2007.
Selamat datang tahun 2007...
Kusambut setiap detik, menit, jam, hari, minggu, dan bulan dengan penuh makna.
Kusongsong engkau dengan segenap asa yang menanti.
Kuhadapi engkau dengan segenap impian yang tak pernah pupus.
星期三, 十二月 27, 2006
Story chatting di Mirc
Hari ini aku chatting di Mirc. Trus, aku join channel "bethany". Dilayar, tampak orang-orang sedang saling menyapa. Tiba-tiba, ada seseorang yang ikutan nimbrung di situ. Orang yg ikutan nimbrung ini sedang mengalami masalah tentang "apakah Tuhan itu real ato ga". Dilayar tampak berapa orang mengemukakan pendapat en berusaha membantu. Namun...pembicaraan jadi semakin "panas" lantaran orang yang "bermasalah" ini kukuh dengan "teori"nya ttg Tuhan. Sebenernya...orang yg "bermasalah" ini pernah mengenal Tuhan. Kalo diliat dari ceritanya..dia juga sempat "menginjil". Tapi....dia merasa bosen dengan Tuhan. Jadinya dia jadi bersikap "menentang" terhadap semua orang yg berusaha "mengembalikan dia ke jalan yang benar". Alhasil, perdebatan pun semakin panas. Orang-orang yg tadinya berusaha membantu pun menjadi kehilangan kesabaran, dan akhirnya mereka mulai mengkritik en menghakimi orang yang "bermasalah" ini. Kemudian...perdebatan pun terhenti karena ada pihak lain yang "nge-banned" orang ini.
Well, sebenernya...aku secara pribadi ga setuju dengan adanya perdebatan rohani seperti ini. Soalnya, "kenyataan" akan Tuhan memang ga bisa dibuktikan secara teoritis. Itu lebih kepengalaman pribadi kita dengan Tuhan sendiri. Yang disayangkan...banyak orang kristen berusaha menjelaskan dengan hal-hal rohani,atau bahkan kutip ayat, sehingga sering menimbulkan "perdebatan" yang justru tidak membuat nama Tuhan dipermuliakan, tetapi justru membuat "orang kristen" kehilangan "kekristenan"nya...Bingung ya?? Maksud aku... jadinya kan kita "kesal" karena orang yg "bermasalah" tadi kukuh dengan "pendapatnya" sehingga kita menjadi "tidak sabar" dan mulai "menghakimi" mereka. So, kalo disaat seperti ini hal tersebut terus berlanjut, maka "kekristenan" kita pun terancam. Padahal...org kristen dikenal dengan orang yang menunjukkan kasih Kristus, penyayang sesama, panjang sabar, dll. So, hati-hati dengan hal yang membuat "kekristenan" kita di pertaruhkan. Coz, Tuhan ga perlu dibela...karena Dia sanggup membela Dirinya sendiri... GBU all...
星期日, 十二月 24, 2006
Christmas Poem (By: Ay Ling)
Ev'ry heart's singing...
Ev'ry where's the carolling...
Ev'ry body's smiling...
Coz Jesus is coming...
The spirit of Christmas
Touch ev'ry heart
With love, joy, and peace
Our Saviour was born to earth
Hope from above
Given from God
To the men on earth above
Bring goodness and prosperity from God
Wishing you a warm Christmas
And a joyous Season Greetings
星期四, 十二月 14, 2006
Beri Aku.... - Puisi
Sepasang mata tak lagi memadai,
Karena aku punya sahabat,
Untuk ditatap dengan penuh makna....
Beri aku dua pasang tangan, Ya Tuhan....
Sepasang tak lagi cukup,
Karena aku punya sahabat,
Tempat tanganku selalu sedia....
Beri aku dua pasang kaki, Ya Tuhan....
Sepasang tak lagi bisa,
Karena aku punya sahabat,
Yang kan kusertai kemana pun....
Beri aku dua pasang telinga, Ya Tuhan....
Sepasang tak lagi mampu,
Karena aku punya sahabat,
untuk kudengarkan curahan hatinya....
星期二, 十二月 12, 2006
Jadilah Dirimu
Jika teman-temanmu menertawakan bajumu, tertawalah bersama mereka.... Dan tetap saja pakai bajumu.
Jadilah dirimu sendiri, dunia akan beruntung karena bakat dan kejenakaanmu. Carilah orang-orang yang kamu sayangi dan yang menghargaimu apa adanya dan menyemangati kamu untuk berkembang. Jangan berpuas diri untuk sesuatu yang kurang dari potensi totalmu, karena kamu memiliki kehebatan didalam dirimu.
星期六, 十二月 09, 2006
The Spirit of Christmas - Part 1
Symbols of Christmas
I don't know how long I slept, but all of a sudden I opened my eyes and there stood Santa Claus himself next to my Christmas tree.
He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot just as the poem described him. But he was not the "jolly old elf" of Christmas legend. The man who stood before me looked sad and disappointed with tears in his eyes.
I had to ask, "Santa, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" "It's the children," Santa replied sadly. "But the children love you," I said. "Oh, I know they love me and the gifts I bring them," Santa said. "But the children of today seem to have somehow missed out on the true spirit of Christmas. It's not their fault. It's just that the adults, many of them not having been taught themselves, have forgotten to teach the children."
"Teach them what?" I asked. Santa's kind old face became soft, more gentle. His eyes began to shine with something more than tears. He spoke softly. "Teach the children the true meaning of Christmas. Teach them that the part of Christmas we can see, hear and touch is much more than meets the eye. Teach them the symbolism behind the customs and traditions of Christmas we now observe. Teach them what it is they truly represent."
Santa reached into his bag and pulled out a tiny Christmas tree and set it on the fireplace mantle. "Teach them about the Christmas tree. Green is the second color of Christmas. The stately evergreen with its unchanging color represents the hope of eternal life in Jesus. Its needles point heavenward as a reminder that man's thoughts should turn heavenward as well."
Santa reached into his bag again and pulled out a shiny star and placed it at the top of the small tree. "The star was the heavenly sign of promise. God promised a Savior for the world and the star was the sign of the fulfillment of that promise of the night that Jesus Christ was born. Teach the children that God always fulfills His promises and that the wise will still seek Him."
"Red," said Santa, "is the first color of Christmas." He pulled forth a red ornament for the tiny tree. "Red is deep, intense, vivid. It is the color of the life giving blood that flows through our veins. It is the symbol of God's greatest gift. Teach the children that Christ gave His life and shed his blood for them that they might have eternal life. When they see the color red it should remind them of that most wonderful gift."
Santa found a bell in his pack and placed it on the tree. "Just as lost sheep are guided to safety by the sound of the bell, it continues to ring today for all to be guided to the fold. Teach the children to follow the true Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep."
Santa placed a candle on the mantle and lit it. The soft glow from its one tiny flame brightened the room. "The glow of the candle represents how man can show his thanks for the gift of God's Son that Christmas Eve long ago. Teach the children to follow in Christ's footsteps... to go about doing good. Teach them to let their lights shine before men that all may see it and glorify God. This is what is symbolized when the twinkling lights shine on the tree like hundreds of bright, shining candles, each of them representing one of God's precious children, their light shining for all to see."
Again, Santa reached into his bag and this time he brought forth a tiny red and white striped candy cane. As he hung it on the tree, he spoke softly, "The candy cane is a stick of hard, white candy. White to symbolize the virgin birth and sinless nature of Jesus. The shape 'J' to represent the precious name of Jesus who came to earth as our Savior. It also represents the crook of the Good Shepherd which he uses to reach down into the ditches of the world to lift out the fallen lambs who, like sheep, have gone astray. The original candy cane had three small red stripes which are the stripes of the scourging Jesus received by which we are healed, and a large red stripe that represents the shed blood of Jesus so that we can have eternal life. Teach these things to the children."
Santa brought out a beautiful wreath made of fresh fragrant greenery and tied with a bright red bow. "The bow reminds us of the bond of perfection which is love. The wreath embodies all the good things about Christmas for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand. It contains the colors of red and green and the heaven turned needles of the evergreen. The bow tells the story of good will towards all and its color reminds us of Christ's sacrifice. Even the wreath's very shape is symbolic, representing eternity and the eternal nature of Christ's love. It is a circle without beginning and without end. These are the things you must teach the children."
"But where does that leave you Santa?" I asked. The tears gone now from his eyes, a smile broke over Santa's face. "Why, bless you, my dear," he laughed. "I, too, am only a symbol. I represent the spirit of family fun and the joy of giving and receiving. If the children are taught these other things, there is no danger that I'll ever be forgotten."
"I think I'm beginning to understand at last," I replied. That's why I came," said Santa. "You're an adult. If you don't teach the children these things, then who will?"
星期四, 十一月 30, 2006
The Beattitudes - Matthew 5:4
Matthew 5: 4 ----> Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Word Study:
- Blessed : makarioi ---->
- ultimate spiritual well-being, prosperity and distinctive joy of those who share in the salvation of the
- Joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation regardless of their outward conditions.
Blessed is not the same as happy. Happy à hap (favorable circumstances), so a happy person is a person who has a good luck. Blessed person has his satisfaction not from favorable circumstances but from having the right attitudes. So, our happiness is not determined by what’s happening around me, but by what’s happening in me.
- Mourn : hoi penthountes ----> sorrow for one's sins and the sins of others, to cut or to strike the bosom or beat the breast as an outward sign of inward grief
Mourn is sorrow because convicted of sins, not because of get caught or get the consequences of sin. Just like the tax collector in Luke 18:13 =
“And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!”
- Comfort : parakaleo ----> to call to one's side, call for, summon, to address, speak to, (call to, call upon), which may be done in the way of exhortation, entreaty, comfort, instruction, etc.
Jesus is our comforter and nothing that we experience that He does not understand. He promises that He will comfort us.
What do we learn?
When we commit sins and the Spirit of God convicts us, we need to mourn for doing such sins and ask for God’s repentance. We need to humble ourselves and admit our sins. We need to ask Jesus to overcome sins day by day because only by His grace we can overcome sins.
星期一, 十一月 27, 2006
Xiamen...Oh, Xiamen.....
I still remember the time when I was in
After that, I also remember when I had my birthday (year 2004), my dad sent an sms for me. It’s about his promise that if he had more money, he would bring me to
My days passed so fast in
星期六, 十一月 25, 2006
Who Am I
- I am the salt of the earth (Matt
- I am the light of the world (Matt
- I am a child of God (John
- I am part of true vine, a channel of Christ's life (John 15:1)
- I am Christ's friend (John
- I am chosen and appointed by Christ to bear His fruit. (John 15:16)
- I am a slave of righteousness (Rom
- I am enslaved to God (Rom
- I am a son of God ; God is spiritually my Father (Rom
- I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him (Rom
- I am a temple -- a dwelling place -- of God. His spirit and His life dwells in me (1 Cor
- I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with Him (1 Cor
- I am a member of Christ's Body (1 Cor
- I am a new creation (2 Cor
- I am reconciled to God and am a minister of reconciliation (2 Cor
- I am a son of God and one in Christ (Gal
- I am an heir of God since I am a son of God (Gal 4:6-7)
- I am a saint (Eph 1:1, 1 Cor 1:2 , Phil 1:1 ,
- I am God's workmanship -- His handiwork -- born anew in Christ to do His work (Eph
- I am a fellow citizen with the rest of God's family (Eph
- I am a prisoner of Christ (Eph 3:1 ; 4:1)
- I am a righteous and holy (Eph
- I am a citizen of Heaven, seated in Heaven right now (Phil
- I am hidden with Christ in God (
- I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life (
- I am a chosen of God, holy and dearly loved (
- I am a son of light and not of darkness (1 Thess 5:5)
- I am a holy partaker of heavenly calling (Heb 3:1)
- I am a partaker of Christ, I share in His life (Heb
- I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a Spiritual house (1 Pet 2:5)
- I am a member of a chosen race, a royal priest-hood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession. (1 Pet 2:9-10)
- I am an alien and stranger to this world in which I temporarily live (1 Pet
- I am an enemy of the devil (1 Pet 5:8)
- I am a child of God and I will resemble Christ when He returns (John 3:1-2)
- I am born of God, and the evil one -- the devil -- can not touch me (John
- I am not the great "I am" (Exod
星期四, 十一月 23, 2006
Thanks a lot Internet...
星期日, 十一月 19, 2006
Words of Encouragement 2
1. The essence of maturity is change.
2. It takes courage to change.
3. If change is necessary, not to change is destructive.
星期三, 十一月 15, 2006
The Beattitudes - Matthew 5:3
Matthew 5: 3 ----> Blessed are the poor in the spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
When Christ saw the multitude, he went up into a mountain and started to teach. Part of His teachings on the mount is known as The Beatitudes. So, we will learn God’s guidance to live in supreme blessings, great blessings or happiness. It starts with Matthew 5:3 as the basic foundation.
Word Studies:
- Blessed : makarios - supremely blest, fortunate, well off, happy, spiritually prosperous with life, joy and satisfaction in God’s favor, successful
The word "blessed" is an Old English word “bledsian” or “covered with blood”. It refers to the protection and provision of a covenant relationship with God (Gal 3:14-18). Or it could even mean “higher”. As we a covered, protected, and provided for, the key to higher living and having a happy heart is having the RIGHT ATITUDE. Right Attitudes are the prescription for healthy physical, emotional, spiritual and mental well being.
When you read the Sermon on the Mount it sounds like opposites.
– Happy if you're sad...
– Happy if you're poor ...
– Happy if you're put down and persecuted!
That does not sound much like happiness to us. But what Jesus was saying is that we can learn to be happy regardless of your situation or your circumstances. Our happiness is not determined by what's happening around us, but rather by what's happening in us.
Jesus wants to teach us that to experience continual happiness depends not on the right circumstances but it depends on continually having the right attitudes. So, the higher living is a result of right choices, not right situations. It's not how much we have on the outside that makes us happy, it's what we are on the inside that makes us happy. Happiness is something we choose because we choose our attitudes. It’s not something someone else chooses for us because no one else chooses our attitudes for us.
- Poor spirit : humble, character of humility, not arrogant or prideful, not setting our hearts on worldly wealth or things of the world, empty of self
What does He mean by “Poor in Spirit”? He's not talking about low self-esteem or putting yourself down or having a low opinion of yourself. Poor in spirit means totally dependant on God, beggarly. It means that we humble ourselves, not arrogant and not full of pride, but saying to ourselves “I am not going to make it without help”, and not setting our hearts on worldly wealth or things of the world.
There is no ME,
The opposite of poor in spirit is arrogance or egotism. Jesus teaches that if we're full of our self, we're never going to be happy. Humility is the first key to taking higher ground. If you want to have lasting happiness then you need to learn to be humble.
- Kingdom : basileia - royalty, rule, authority, power, dominion
Talks about authority and power, it means we can be rulers only if we first humble ourselves.
How does humility increase our happiness?
1. When we are humble and we don't have to have all the answers. We realise that the world does not depend on us, so, we can resign as general manager of the universe. Because when I'm humble I realise that I don't have to solve all the problems in the world. I don't have to pretend that I'm perfect because God doesn't demand that I be perfect in order to be happy.
2. Selfish, self-centred people are an irritation. Nobody likes to be around them. They wreck relationships. Self-centred people are never happy! Because they are unhappy, they make everybody else unhappy. They spread all their gloom and doom simply by their self focus. Humility doesn't mean we think less of ourselves, we just think more about others. When we become interested in others we become interesting to others. We have better relationships when we're a humble person. When we’re full of pride we bruise very easily. We’re very sensitive to other people's comments. On the other hand, when I we’re walking in humility before the Lord and just being who we are, being real and honest and depending upon God, We’re not near as susceptible to insults.
3. It releases God's power and His presence in our life.
“God gives strength to the humble, but He sets himself against the proud.”
James 4:6 (TLB)
The Bible says that the secret of spiritual power is to walk humbly before the Lord, to realise we are dependent on Him. The secret to releasing God’s strength in our life is to be dependent upon Him. The key to going up to a higher level is to let God lift our life
What do we learn?
Jesus teaches us to be humble and to be happy go together. The key to higher ground and happy living is to be poor in spirit, to be dependent on God.
“Now that you know the truth, how happy you will be if you put it into practice! “ John 13:17 (GNB)
Matthew 5:3 ---> Happy are those who know their need for God, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs! (JBP)
That means that all that God has to offer is available to the person who walks humbly before the Lord. All that God has to offer is ours when we live in dependence before the Lord. The fact is that every one of us needs Jesus Christ in our lives. We need God's power to make it through next week and the rest of our life. His power is available and God is waiting to pour out His power on each of us. But we've got to ask. And we've got to admit that we need His help. We need God's power in your life. But it only comes when we humble ourself and say, "God! Help!" The person who says "Help!" is the humble person and the person who is the humble person, God says, "There's nothing I won't do for that person! The kingdom of heaven will be theirs."
Ask yourself two questions:
1. In what areas of my life do I need to practice humility?
2. In what areas of my life do I need to depend on God more?
Self - Reflection
I knelt to pray but not for long, I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work, for bills would soon be due.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer and jumped up off my knees.
My Christian duty was now done, my soul could rest at ease.....
All day long I had no time to spread a word of cheer.
No time to speak of Christ to friends, they’d laugh at me I’d fear.
No time, no time, Too much to do! That was my constant cry.
No time to give to souls in need. But at last the time, the time to die.
I went before the Lord. I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God held a book. It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said.
"Your name I cannot find, I once was going to write it down...
But never found the time"
How scary and how sad it is if God can’t find our name in the Book of Life. It seems like everything that we’ve done in order to “maintain” our Christian life is nothing before Him. Anyone of us knows that we need to feed our spirit, so that it can grow stronger and stronger. But, it’s so often that the routines we must do everyday replace the essential of building our deep and strong relationship with God. Time is the main reason of it. But one thing all of us need to know is that God really wants the quality of our time.
So, redeem your time! Have a deeper and an intimate relationship with God. Know His will and destiny for you. Let your spirit have rest in the presence of God and let God fill you with His love and compassion, so that you can share your life with others and your life can be the vessel which always flow the love of God to this world.
星期五, 十月 27, 2006
Mom's coming to Surabaya.... Hurrayyyyy!!!!!
星期三, 十月 18, 2006
Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1b - 2
Matthew 5: 1b – 2 ----> And when He was set, his disciples came unto him. And He opened his mouth and taught them, saying…
Word Studies:
- Set : kathizo - to sit, to dwell
Historically, sitting has been associated with positions of authority: king sat on a throne; judges sat on the bench. It means that God is settle in His position and ready to minister, to listen and take important part in our lives.
- Disciple : mathe’tes - A learner, a student, a follower
The disciples of Jesus Christ were called “followers of the way.” Their commitment went beyond a decision; it involves a way of life and change of lifestyle. The teaching of Jesus was from life to life and will be reflected from the changing of disciples’ lives that change everyday
- To Open : anoigo - to open up, give and make available
When He opens His mouth, He blesses, He creates, He gives birth, and He makes Himself ready to minister to His disciples. Jesus opened his mouth in order to communicate clearly His message. Jesus spoke with confidence and conviction. The clarity of His words and the power of His message caused people to be astonished at His authority in the teachings.
- Taught : didasko - to teach and at the same time, gives example, to give instruction, to clearly clarify the truth, to explain the underlying meaning.
True teaching takes place when the life of the learner is changed. Jesus taught more than information: He instilled life-changing concepts and character-building principles.
How does Jesus “open His mouth” and teach His disciples today?
· Through your AUTHORITIES
· Searching & Listen to Him
· Through your PRAYERS
· Talking to our Spirit and Mind Through PERSONAL MEDITATION
How are we to be taught?
• Deuteronomy 6:7 ---> And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
• Deuteronomy 6:8 ---> And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
• Deuteronomy 6:9 ---> And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
What do we learn?
Jesus always finds times to teach us something. It’s so important to have life-changing and character-building in our lives, so that every time we open our mouth to speak, there will be power to impact others. It’s more powerful to impart life that just only to give information to others. So, being a teachable disciple is not easy, but by God’s grace we can achieve it. All we need to do is just to be alert of what God wants in our lives by having a deeper and intimate relationship with Him and grow in the Word of God.
Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1a
Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 5, KJV)
In some weeks, I’m going to share about what I’ve learnt during the devotion in MSA (Morning Star Academy). This Word of God really blesses me so much coz I’m not just reading it like I usually read the Word of God, but it has a deep revelation. And for me, it’s really a new revelation and it encourages me a lot. In MSA, we also learn to memorize these 48 verses. Wow… What a hard work to do! But, I believe I can do it, and so can the MSA students. Hope you are also blessed and don’t get bored of it. Hehhehe…
Matthew 5: 1a ----> And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain.
Word Studies:
· Seeing : eido – to see, to know, to understand
· Multitudes : ochlos – a great crowd
· Mountain : oros - a hill above the plain
… He went up into a mountain
The mountains of
When Jesus saw the multitudes…
· He saw more than just a crowd of people.
· He saw each individual and each personal need.
· To hear Jesus teach, the multitudes made personal sacrifices by traveling far and difficult.
· And He was moved with compassion.
· He was alert – aware of what is taking place around Him so He can respond right.
· He saw every need in each person
· He acted promptly in delivering a message of truth that applied to each one
What do we learn?
We learn about the character of alertness. Jesus was alerted by the multitudes sacrifices that they were hunger and thirst of righteousness. This makes he was moved with compassion and He responded by fulfilling their needs.
星期五, 十月 13, 2006
Friendship is A Diamond (By: Sally J. Knower)
Friendship is a diamond
buried in the earth;
a treasure of great worth.
But first it must be mined
then faceted and shined.
I takes pick and shovel and strain,
encompassing time and enduring pain,
until its grace is seen;
a glittering gift of love
That is shared between we there:
First God,
and you
then me.
星期二, 十月 03, 2006
Membuka Hatimu - Puisi
Membuka hatimu
kujumpa kelembutan
membuat aku terbuai teduh
Membuka hatimu
kujumpa samudra
membuat aku bebas berlayar
Membuka hatimu
kujumpa angkasa biru
membuat aku melayang ceria
Membuka hatimu
kujumpa yang termanis
membuat aku terpikat lekat
星期四, 九月 21, 2006
Curhat nih....
Hari ini aku ngga mood banget.
Rasanya batin ini begitu tertekan.
Banyak sekali hal yang harus diselesaikan.
Ditambah tekanan-tekanan lain yang membuat aku jadi merasa semakin jenuh.
Ingin rasanya aku tidur terlelap dan melupakan semuanya.
Dengan harapan, waktu ku bangun nanti semua hal yang menekan batin ini hilang.
Lenyap! Bagaikan asap yang menghilang ditiup terpaan angin.
Air mataku pun mulai mengalir dipipi.
Ku tak tau apalagi yang bisa aku lakukan.
Pikiranku buntu! Bahkan, aku pun tak bisa berpikir dengan jernih.
Apalagi, orang- orang disekitarku begitu menyebalkan hari ini!
Menambah emosi dalam dada.
Tapi, satu hal yang ku tau...
Tuhanku yang besar menantikanku datang kepadaNya!
Dia tersenyum dan membentangkan tanganNya yang lembut,
Seolah Ia ingin aku segera berlari kepadaNya!
Ya, Dia begitu menantikanku!
Disaat yang paling sulit dalam hidupku, Dia ada disana untuk mengangkatku.
KerinduanNya yang terbesar adalah membawaku terbang tinggi bersamaNya.
Mengatasi badai itu.....
Berjalan Bersamamu - Puisi
Berjalan bersamamu…
Selalu saja ada cerita yang tak habis-habis keluar dari lubuk hati,
Bukan karena kepandaian bertutur dan berindah kata,
Tapi karena ada rindu yang bergemuruh di dada.
Berjalan bersamamu…
Waktu seakan berlari, sementara isi hati belum juga habis dibagikan,
Lalu kitapun berpisah, kala aku baru saja akan memulai percakapan baru.
Berjalan bersamamu…
betapa ingin aku….. mengekalkan waktu!
星期五, 九月 08, 2006
MAMA - Puisi
(By: Ay Ling)
Kau laksana mentari yang memberikan cahaya bagi jiwaku.
Kau laksana embun pagi yang menyejukkan batinku.
Kau laksana rembulan yang memberikan kedamaian dalam hatiku.
Kau laksana pelangi yang membuat hidupku penuh warna.
Masih melekat erat dalam benakku,
Dikala kuberbaring tak berdaya, kau merawatku dengan penuh kasih.
Masih terngiang jelas ditelingaku,
Kata – katamu yang lembut penuh cinta.
Masih membekas dalam ingatanku,
Betapa sedih dan kecewanya engkau disaatku menyakitimu.
Ku tau tak dapat balaskan cintamu.
Ku tau tak dapat berikan semua yang kau mau.
Ku tau tak dapat menjadi seperti apa yang kau inginkan.
Ku tau tak dapat senantiasa menyenangkan hatimu.
Namun satu yang ku tau…
Kau selalu mendoakanku.
Kau selalu berharap yang terbaik untukku.
Kau selalu mengasihi dan menyayangiku tanpa pamrih.
Kau selalu mendorongku disaat ku patah semangat.
Sampai kapan pun…
Terima kasih Mama…
Ku takkan pernah melupakan,
Berjuta air mata yang menetes untukku,
Berlimpah cinta dan kasih yang kau curahkan untukku,
Segala pengorbanan yang kau berikan untukku bahagia,
Semua asa yang tak pernah pupus untuk masa depanku.
I love you, Mom…
Kaulah lentera yang menerangi hidupku.
Kaulah mutiara terindah yang pernah kudapatkan.
Kaulah harta yang paling berharga yang kumiliki.Kaulah pribadi yang membuatku mengerti arti kehidupan.
星期二, 九月 05, 2006
I'm so blessed
Hi, it’s been a long time for not sharing my experience with all of you. Well… actually, I really want to share some of my experiences. But, I’m soooo busy rite now! L But, I really enjoy everything I do. Hehehe… Since I concern with education, I am so happy to be a teacher! Teaching is really an honorable occupation which has a very deep and great impact for this nation. Why is it so? Coz through education we can build our young generation, to be an excellent leaders in our community and even our nation. And I know, God put me in this area so that I can grow! Not only the students I teach grow, but also I grow!! I grow in my skill of my teaching, but also my characters. Coz I’m not only transferring the knowledge/ skill that I have but also I build my character strongly by interacting with students, parents, and other teachers. Besides, I need to impart my life that has been changed by God so that I can glorify His name. And, that’s why…. I can say that I’m soooo blessed to be part of the MSA Home Schooling Community, a community where I’m in now. In MSA I can see the desire of evry parents who commit themselves in homeschooling their children in building the right foundation and characters for their children’s future. I even see that some parents who are working, they even take one day off every week just to sit in the class and learn together with the kids. Wow… that’s amazing!!! I really blessed with their commitment and I see they pay the price for it. And I believe that through their family, they can bring a great testimony for other parents and even singles who are one day, they will get married too…
星期五, 八月 25, 2006
Cinta Bikin Pria Feminin, Wanita Maskulin. Benarkah??? - Research
Cinta ternyata benar-benar punya dampak yang aneh bagi manusia. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh para peneliti dari Italia setelah menguji 12 pria dan 12 wanita yang jatuh cinta selama enam bulan terakhir.
Para peneliti menemukan pria punya kada testoteron yang lebih rendah dari kadar normal ketika mereka sedang jatuh cinta. Sementara itu, para wanita ditemukan memiliki kadar hormon yang lebih tinggi dari biasanya saat sedang diliputi asmara.
Entah bagaimana, cinta rupanya membuat pria lebih feminine dan wanita menjadi makin maskulin. Seolah alam pun ingin menghilangkan apa yang menjadi pembeda bagi pria dan wanita agar hubungan kedua insan berlainan jenis kelamin itu bisa langgeng,ungkap Donatella Marazziti dari University of Pisa.
Kelompok peneliti dari University of Edinburgh juga memiliki temuan yang mengungkap soal manusia dan cinta. Mereka melihat adanya peredaman kerja sirkuit syaraf yang biasanya terkait erat dengan hubungan penting antarmanusia saat orang sedang jatuh cinta.
Kemungkinan itulah penjelasan mengapa orang sering buta akan kesalahan pasangannya,jelas Professor Gareth Leng dari University of Edinburgh. Kedua penelitian ini memperkuat bukti cinta berpengaruh pada tubuh manusia.
Penelitian terdahulu yang dilakuakn ilmuwan Itali pernah mengungkapkan unsur kimia penting di otak ikut terpengaruh oleh masalah percintaan ini. Orang yang tengah kasmaran disebut memilili kadar serentonin yang lebih rendah dari biasanya. Malah, kadar serentonin mereka setara dengan orang yang mengalami penyimpangan perilaku obsesif kompulsif.
Penelitian semacam ini membuat kita bisa memahami diri kita sedikit lebih baik. Di waktu mendatang, mungkin kita bisa menemukan terapi baru bagi mereka yang mengalamimasalah dengan hubungannya, kata Leng. (Sumber: Republika Online)
星期二, 八月 22, 2006
How to Deal with Friend and Lovers (Tips)
1. Never steal a boyfriend or a girlfriend away from a friend. There are no excuses. NONE.
2. Its best not to get involved with an ex of your friend. There are some exceptions to this, but not many.
3. If you know a friend has a crush on or is interested in someone, leave that person alone for now.
4. Always make time for your friends. Of course you want to spend time with your boyfriend/ girlfriend, but dont spend all your time with them. Make sure that you have plans with your friends and that you keep them.
5. If you know that your friends boyfriend or girlfriend got with someone else, tell them. Its never fun to deliver bad news, but its better to hear it from a friend than someone else.
6. There are circumstances when your friend will really need you. Its important to show him or her that he or she matters enough to you that you will cancel plans you have with your boyfriend or girlfriend. If this friend has emergencies all the time, thats a different matter.
7. If possible, spend time together in a group. Everyone likes to feel included, and this can work out great for all.
8. If you have a significant other and your friend does not, try not to talk about your girlfriend/ boyfriend all the time. Talk about other things
9. It doesnt hurt to play Cupid every now and then. Of course, its important to be up-front and honest about playing matchmaker and only do so when both parties are willing.
10. There are cases when no matter what you say or do to your friend is just not going to get over your new relationship. In this case, all the above guidelines arent going to make a difference. If you find yourself in a situation where a friend is refusing to come around, back off. See if giving your friend some space will help. If he or she insists on being jealous and unsupportive, I think its time to call the friendship quits. Think about it. Do you want a friend who doesnt want you to have love life...ever?
星期二, 八月 15, 2006
Amazing Love - Poem
and I were like the leaf,
our lives would grow together.
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute
and it seems like an hour
sit next to a pretty woman for an hour
and it seems to be a minute.
Thats relativity!
No cord or cable can draw so forcibly,
or bind so fast, as love can do
with a single tread.
星期日, 八月 13, 2006
Between the Two of You
The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that persons soul until you find a crack, the gently pour your love into that crack...
If you find out that your best friend is developing feelings for you and the feelings are in no way mutual, the sooner you communicate this, the better.
Sometimes having to be the person who does the rejecting is worse than being rejected, especially if the person you have to hurt is your dearest friend. The key is to be gentle, but not so gentle that he or she doesnt get it. If you hear about it before he says anything, its possible you can spare him some of the humiliation. You can just happen to mention that you are so happy that you dont have to go through the ups and downs of romance with him. Arent we lucky to have such a close friendship without having to worry about all the crap that couples have to worry about?If he brings it up to you, just remember to be kind to his heart. So many things you could say have become a cliché ... such as, I dont want to risk losing what we have now.Of course, if that is how you feel then say it anyway. The most reassuring thing you can do for him is to promise to not let his courageous admission hurt the friendship. Even though the first response will be to the rejectionlater he or she will worry about the friendship as well. If you want to show the ultimate respect, keep it between the two of you. Resist the temptation to tell others. This will only hurt your friend even more.
However, if the feelings are mutual, then this can be a very happy moment. Dont let your fears ruin it. Yes, its scary to venture into new territory with someone you have been close with as a friend. But the good news is you already know each other well and you genuinely like each other. There is always a risk of losing the friendship when and if you break up, but if you both agree you arent going to let that happen, the risk factor decreases. (Taken from: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Series)
星期二, 八月 08, 2006
(By: Ay Ling)
Malam ini....
Aku termenung seorang diri dikamar kosku.
Kekosongan mengisi relung hatiku yang paling dalam.
Dalam kesendirian aku merenung.
Ditemani alunan lagu-lagu yang merdu nan romantis
Akupun berpikir....
Apa yang bisa kulakukan untuk menepis rasa jemuku ini?
Tak lama, kuraih ponsel disisi bantal tidurku.
Kulayangkan beberapa sms kepada sahabat terbaikku.
Kutelpon salah satu nomer dari daftar nama di ponselku.
Sayangnya, hal tersebut tidak banyak menolongku.
Aku kesepian....
Kupilih sebuah buku bacaan dari rak bukuku.
Maksud hati ingin membaca, tapi kantuk yang kudapat.
Tatapanku pun tertuju pada setumpuk album foto.
Kulihat beberapa foto, tapi kekangenanlah yang kurasa.
Tiada hal yang ingin aku lakukan.
Tiada orang-orang terdekat disisiku.
Tiada teman yang dapat mengisi kekosongan hatiku.
Hanya kesunyian malam yang menemaniku dalam kesendirian.
星期一, 八月 07, 2006
Saat Cinta Menyapa
Genta bukanlah genta sebelum dibunyikan
Lagu bukanlah lagu sebelum dinyanyikan
Cinta di sanubari bukan untuk dipendamkan
Cinta bukanlah cinta sebelum dipersembahkan!
Cinta dalam bentuknya yang paling sejati
tidak memiliki bahasa atau kata.
Ia hanya memiliki seribu satu tindakan
yang berharap dapat kita jelaskan.
Cinta adalah simbol keabadian
yang menyaput segala rasa waktu,
membuang semua kenangan tentang awal
dan ketakutan tentang akhir.
Bagian hidup yang terbaik
dari kehidupan seseorang yang baik
adalah tindakan-tindakannya yang kecil,
tak bernama, dan tidak pernah diingat
mengenai kebaikan dan cinta.
Kehidupan berawal
setelah aku jatuh cinta kepadamu
Waktu dan jarak tidaklah berarti.
Kedekatan adalah urusan hati.
Mencintai dan dicintai adalah
merasakan kehangatan matahari dari kedua sisi.
Hidup tanpa cinta,
bagaikan kapal tanpa kemudi,
raga tanpa tubuh.
Dicintai begitu dalam oleh seseorang,
akan memberimu kekuatan.
Mencintai seseorang begitu dalam,
akan memberimu keberanian.
Tiada pengobatan untuk cinta,
selain mencintai lebih dalam lagi.
Milikilah hati yang tidak pernah mengeras,
temperamen yang tidak pernah lelah,
dan sentuhan yang tidak pernah menyakiti.
Untuk mendapatkan hati seorang wanita,
seorang laki-laki
harus menggunakan hatinya terlebih dahulu.
Setelah saya belajar mencintai Tuhan
melebihi kekasih saya di bumi,
Saya pasti mencintai kekasih itu
lebih baik daripada sebelumnya.
星期四, 八月 03, 2006
The Distance is Never Too Long
Dear Fanny,
Hi gal, its been a longggg time weve never met. Hmm, since I left for Xiamen, I think. Miss you! Miss you! Miss youuuu so much! Hehhehe... Hows Donggala?? I want to go there!! I want to go to the beach in Donggala, have sunbathing there! Hehhehe...Anyway, I miss the time spent with you like we had when we were in Surabaya. Still remember the time we had in the youth retreat with Mr. Nur? Hahahha... The time when you started to be my fans! I was so ashamed at that time! I had to be the finalist of MSI Star and everyone in that retreat insisted me to sing a song. Huaaaaa.... Its so embarrassing!! But, its so memorable experience too! Hihihihi... Well, Its almost 2 year we dont meet face to face, rite? But, Im happy that we never lose contact. I still can hear your roaringvoice on the phone! Hahhaha... Just kidding...! Your adorable sharing via short messages, and your interesting and suspicious life stories when we go on line! Wakakkaka.... Theyre all amazing and wonderful! Hey, youve promised me to go to Surabaya soon and spend your vacation here with me. I wont forget everything weve planned on the chatting: Eating Bebek Bratang and Bebek Pahlawan, watching film in the cinema, taking some pictures in the photo box, going around Surabaya, and so many excited and fun things to do with you. See you soon in Surabaya! Hmmm, Im so impatient to wait for your coming here in Surabaya....
Love always,
Ay Ling
Do you have a friend who lives far away from your hometown? Maybe he/she lives in other city, other country, or even other continents? Well, one of the most difficult challenges a friendship faces is distance. As much as you intend to call, send short message, and even go chatting on line, lets face it, it is hard. So much of friendship has to do with the time you spend together and the sharing of similar interests like hobbies, lifestyles, food, etc. To continue a long-distance friendship, trust is the most important element. Know that even though the calls, short messages, and time for chatting on line come less and less, the love is still the same; the excitement is still the same. This is proven in that moment you sit down face to face, and it is as if no time has passed at all.
星期一, 七月 31, 2006
Cinta itu...
Cinta itu...
Membuat dada ini berdegup kencang,
Resah gelisah tak menentu.
Cinta itu...
Membuat hidup yang tadinya hampa,
Jadi indah penuh warna.
Cinta itu...
Datang tak diundang, pergi tak disuruh,
Datang dan pergi sesuka hati.
Cinta oh cinta...
Akahkah ia datang menghampiriku?
Bilakah ia berlabuh dipelabuhan hatiku?
Sadarkahku ketika ia datang mewarnai hari-hariku?
Sanggupkahku menolaknya bila ia datang menarik hatiku?
Mampukahku terhindar dari jerat dan buaiannya yang indah?
Inikah rasanya....?
Hatiku menderu bagai ombak disamudra lepas.
Perasaanku tak menentu.
Jatuh cintakah aku?
Aku tak tau!
Ingin kuberteriak sekeras-kerasnya,
Tapi tak tau kata yang hendak terucap.
Ingin kuungkapkan perasanku,
Tapi tak tau dengan apa aku hendak menggambarkannya.
Oh, inikah rasanya hati yang dilanda asmara?
Hari-hariku terasa begitu indah penuh warna.
Oh, inikah rasanya digetarkan oleh cinta?
Mabuk kepayang aku dibuatnya!
星期一, 七月 24, 2006
Anda yang Memilih, Anda yang Menentukan!
Pernah dengar slogan itu?? Well, kalo anda penggemar Indonesian Idol, pasti anda sering mendengar Ata dan Daniel, host Indonesian Idol, mengatakan kata kata tersebut. Di Indonesian Idol, slogan itu menentukan siapa finalis Indonesian Idol yang akan keluar dari babak spektakuler, dan harus pulang malam itu. Jadi, kalo kita punya finalis favorit, dan tidak ingin finalis yang kita jagokan pulang dimalam result show, kita memilih mereka dengan mengirimkan sms sebanyak-banyaknya agar finalis tersebut tidak tereliminasi, berarti kita juga yang menentukan nasib para finalis Indonesian Idol untuk bertahan dibabak spektakuler dan menjadi Sang Idola Sesungguhnya.
Demikian juga yang terjadi dalam hidup kita bersama dengan Tuhan. Dalam hidup kita banyak hal yang harus kita pilih. Nah, pilihan dalam hidup sangat bervariasi en bisa dikatakan sangat sulit. Apalagi, banyak hal yang sangat menggiurkan yang ditawarkan, yang harus kita pilih. Namun juga, kadang ada hal-hal yang kelihatannya tidak enak dan tidak menyenangkan, tapi kita juga tetap harus memilih. Memilih dengan benar adalah suatu keputusan yang tepat. Namun itu tidaklah mudah. Kita berlu berpikir matang-matang untuk memilih dengan benar, agar hasil yang ditentukan juga baik. Karena hasil akhir yang baik ditentukan dari pilihan yang kita ambil, maka kitaperlu bijaksana dalam memilih agar hasil akhir tersebut tidak mengecewakan kita dan orang lain, bisa jadi berkat bagi banyak orang, dan bahkan memuliakan nama Tuhan.
Kitaperlu mengucap syukur pada Tuhan untuk Roh Kudus yang sudah dianugrahkan bagi kita. Well, Roh Kudus adalah seorang Penolong (Yoh 14:16), Roh Kebenaran yang menyertai kita dan diam didalam kita (Yoh 14:17), Penghibur yang akan mengajarkan segala sesuatu kepada kita dan akan mengingatkan kita akan semua yang telah Firman katakan kepada kita (Yok 14:26). So, Roh Kuduslah yang akan memberikan kita hikmat untuk memilih yang terbaik dalam setiap pilihan yang kita ambil. Itu juga kalau kita mengijinkan Dia untukmembantu kita. Maklumlah, kita kan punya kehendak bebas, yang juga berpengaruhcukup besar dalam pilihan yang kita ambil. Sering kali, kehendak bebas kita ini ga bisa menganalisa dengan bijaksana pilihan yang kita ambil. So, ada baiknya kalau kitamengijinkan Roh Kudus ikut ambil bagian dalam pilihan hidup kita, terutama untuk hal-hal yang penting dan urgent, karena disaat-saat tersebut kita perlu memiliki hati nurani yang murni, yang terdiri dari dasar-dasar kebenaran yang telah kita terima dan percaya yang menjadi pilar penyanggah dalam hidup kita. Jadi, pilihan ada ditangan Anda, karena Anda yang memilih, Anda yang menentukan!!!
星期二, 七月 18, 2006
Through it all - Poem
(Sarah Walcott-Sapp)
I know that this world
Isn’t always the safest place
I wanted to write this down
Because we could die tomorrow
And you’d never know
Just how much you meant to me
You have always been there
Ready to offer an ear, a hand
Or a shoulder to cry on
The happy times were great
The shared secrets and giggling
The sleepovers and bike rides
The hours spent practicing basketball
And just hanging out
But you pulled me out of bad times, too
No matter how angry I was
How stupid I acted
How depressed I felt
You and often only you
Stuck by me through everything
(And I do mean everything)
You always seem to know
When to give advice
And when to just listen
Sometimes you are my alter ego
My better half
And sometimes I am yours
I have envied you
And been angry at you
I have stolen your spotlight
And hidden in your shadow
We have bickered
And shared hugs
We have screamed and yelled
And on occasion, cried
But through it all
I have and forever will
Love you as my best friend
Challenges in Friendship
Life is full of challenges. Challenges help us to build who we are. In friendship, we also have challenges. There are two choices we have to deal with challenge: try to resolve it or give up/ quit. Challenges in friendship need commitment and communication. When we are committed to something it means that no matter how painful or how uncomfortable something is, we will always choose to face it and work it through rather than run away from it. Communication is making a space for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. If you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt,” rather than, “You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able to resolve the problem much faster. There is no such thing as an honest friendship that doesn’t have as part of it disagreements, hurt feelings, jealousy, and anger. The key is to remember that the friendship is the most important thing and your pride, your need to be right, is second. Work it out with your heart and know that the friendship will only get stronger with each challenge.
Some tips to deal with challenges in friendship:
- Don’t hide from your problems
We al have devastating moments in life, when terrible, even unimagined things happen that rock our world and affect our lives in negative ways. The question is not how to avoid problems, but how to deal with them once they arrive, how to learn from them, and how to become stronger. Most of the time, we would rather pretend like our problem doesn’t exist. But the only way to begin to heal from heartbreaking situations is to accept its reality and then become willing to work on healing and changing them.
- Tough lessons teach us
Although we have learned about friendship from good things, we have to admit the big lessons that come with a consequence. For example, when we have promised to our friend not to tell it to others, you really must keep it. If you break it, he will get furious and he won’t trust you anymore because you have betrayed his trust. From this example we can learn to keep someone's secret and being a person who can be trusted.
- Be honest about your mistakes
If we can be honest about our mistakes instead of being defensive, we stand a much better chance of being forgiven. It is ironic though how often we will take the defensive and try to convince the other person, and ourselves, that we were justified in our wrongdoing. When you get in a fight with someone you care about, try to talk about it and be willing to admit what you did wrong.
- Keep your heart open
Anytime we open ourselves up to another person, we become vulnerable and can be hurt easily. Although we might be tempted to close our hearts so that we won’t feel the pain, it is so much better to stay open and trust that if you do get hurt, you will be able to work it out.
- Let friends change
Friends are there to let you be yourself and to accept you for who you are now and whoever you may be tomorrow. It’s important to remember that people change and grow, and as friends we need to let that happen; we need to lend our support, not our criticism.